Scraping has become vital since it is an automated way of searching and gathering valid data to contact. You could do any kind of approach, email, telephone, etc. B2B marketing is essential to any business with a fine product or service to offer to any other businesses around the world.
In Lead Spider you will be able to find Recipes for finding different Contact Pages from multiple businesses. Make sure you use the dropdown and type Contact

If you need any specific kind of recipe for a country or anything else, just please make your request in the forums:

After the system finishes crawling, you will be able to verify and filter emails. We will be adding a Phones Scraper on the Crawler, along with Social networks links and more.
This brings you many ways to contact a business owner. Contact Form, Emails, Social Media or Phones.

This is how it looks after verifying and filtering.

Now you have a filtered and verified set of Leads ready to use them in multiple ways.